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Crustal structure beneath the Rif Cordillera, North Morocco, from the RIFSIS wide-angle reflection seismic experiment




The different geodynamic models proposed since the late 1990s to account for the complex evolution of the Gibraltar Arc System lack definite constraints on the crustal structure of the Rif orogen. Here we present the first well-resolved P-wave velocity crustal models of the Rif Cordillera and its southern continuation toward the Atlas made using controlled-source seismic data. Two 300+ km-long wide-angle reflection profiles crossed the Rif along NS and EW trends. The profiles recorded simultaneously five land explosions of 1Tn each using ~850 high frequency seismometers. The crustal structure revealed from 2-D forward modeling delineates a complex, laterally varying crustal structure below the Rif domains. The most surprising feature, seen on both profiles, is a ∼50 km deep crustal root localized beneath the External Rif. To the east, the crust thins rapidly by 20 km across the Nekkor fault, indicating that the fault is a crustal scale feature. On the NS profile the crust thins more gradually to 40 km thickness beneath Middle Atlas and 42 km beneath the Betics. These new seismic results are in overall agreement with regional trends of Bouguer gravity and are consistent with recent receiver function estimates of crustal thickness. The complex crustal structure of the Rif orogen in the Gibraltar Arc is a consequence of the Miocene collision between the Iberian and African plates. Both the abrupt change in crustal thickness at the Nekkor fault and the unexpectedly deep Rif crustal root can be attributed to interaction of the subducting Alboran slab with the North African passive margin at late Oligocene-early Miocene times.
机译:自1990年代末以来提出的解释直布罗陀弧系复杂演化的不同地球动力学模型,对里夫造山带的地壳结构缺乏明确的限制。在这里,我们介绍了使用可控震源数据制作的第一个分辨率良好的Rif Cordillera地壳波速模型及其向南延伸的Atlas。沿着NS和EW趋势,两个300+ km长的广角反射轮廓横穿Rif。剖面图同时使用850个高频地震仪记录了5次1Tn的地面爆炸。从二维正演模型揭示的地壳结构描绘了Rif域下方复杂的,横向变化的地壳结构。在两个剖面上看到的最令人惊讶的特征是位于外部Rif下方约50 km的地壳根部。在东部,穿过Nekkor断层的地壳迅速变薄了20 km,表明该断层是地壳尺度的特征。在NS剖面上,地壳逐渐变薄至中阿特拉斯(Atlas Atlas)下40 km的厚度和贝蒂奇(Betics)以下42 km的厚度。这些新的地震结果总体上与布格重力的区域趋势一致,并且与最近的接收器对地壳厚度的估计一致。直布罗陀弧线里夫造山带复杂的地壳结构是伊比利亚板块与非洲板块之间的中新世碰撞的结果。 Nekkor断层的地壳厚度的突然变化和Rif地壳的深度出乎意料都可以归因于渐新世-中新世晚期俯冲的Alboran板与北非被动缘的相互作用。



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